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What Type of Water Should I Be Drinking?

Writer's picture: Gut Honest TruthGut Honest Truth

Welcome to the Gut Honest Truth blog where a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner gives you digestible information to tackle your chronic health concerns.

That’s me, Katie Morra;

As always, working one-on-one for your specific needs is always our top recommendation, check out our appointment options to get started with one of our licensed health care professionals today.

On to the post...

Signs of dehydration:

  • Fatigue with no known cause

  • Dry or sticky mouth

  • Low blood pressure

  • Headaches

  • Dizziness

  • Dry, scaly skin

  • Eczema

  • Constipation

  • Irritability

  • Infrequent urination

  • Muscle cramps

  • Rapid heart rate

Water helps us:

  • Carry food and oxygen to our cells

  • Excrete waste

  • Supports our lymphatic system

  • Flushes out the kidneys to get rid of toxins

  • Adds moisture to our sinuses, eyes and mouth

  • Balances electrolytes in our cells

  • Regulates blood pressure

  • Helps regulate body temperature

  • Provides us with minerals

There is more than one type of water?

Tap Water

Did you know you can actually check what is in your tap water for free here. Unfortunately, most tap water contains toxins such as heavy metals, chlorine, antibiotics, antidepressants and many other chemicals and medications (which often are not monitored for). When unfiltered, it may not be the best option for drinking water based on the aforementioned information. If filtered with only carbon, It can be used for drinking but it may not be our topic recommendation for water choices.

Spring Water

Spring water is the type we recommend the most often. Spring water has been filtered more effectively by the earth and in addition, it contains trace minerals that the body wants and needs. Examples of spring water are Evian, Arrowhead Mountain Spring Water, Volvic, and Poland brands. Alternatively, you can also find safe spring water near you here.

Reverse Osmosis Water

Reverse osmosis involves passing water at high pressure through a plastic membrane. It is actually a very common practice is bottled waters such as Dasani since the end result is very pure. The problem? It does not hydrate the body as well as spring water due to the mineral content and almost excessive purity.

Distilled Water

Filtered and stripped of contaminants and minerals by boiling it and condensing it. An example of distilled water is SmartWater. Again, the mineral content puts this lower on our recommended list. Distilled water can actually deplete the body of minerals via chelation, which actually makes it a good option to help remove metals and chemicals from the body...short term. Long term, you may experience nutrient depletion as a result.

Well Water

Well water can actually be a great source of water with the caveat that it is not contaminated. Sadly, wells can easily become contaminated with run off and even excessive minerals like manganese or iron from agriculture. You can hire someone to test the well and water to ensure safety. We often make this recommendation after completing a toxic burden panel on our patients.

Alkaline Water

Alkaline water has been ionized to have a pH of 8 and 10. Examples of alkaline water are Jupiter, Essentia, Just Water. I don't know that the research is really where it needs to be to support spending your money on alkaline water daily. Having a whole body stable pH level involves more than just the water you drink. Some individuals will argue that alkaline water is helpful as an antioxidant but the antioxidant value is actually very short lived (~1 day). Even the pH level is short lived. If you need alkalinizing, increase your veggies and talk to your practitioner about lifestyle and supplement support that may benefit you.

Mineral Water

Mineral water has no less than 250 parts per million total dissolved mineral solids and is defined by its constant level of mineral and trace elements at the point of emergence from the source. Examples include Perrier, S.Pellegrino and Topo Chico.

Bottled Water

We know it is unrealistically to say you will never consume bottled water when you travel or in a pinch but it pollutes the environment and usually our bodies with phthalates and bisphenol-A (BPA). We recommend glass when able or stainless steel. Did you know you can actually look up the Environmental Working Group's bottled water health score here.

How do I choose a water filter?

1. Determine what contaminants you are hoping to remove.

Remember you can look up your water supply on EWG’s tap water database. If you somehow can't find your supply you can call your local water utility and request the Consumer Confidence Report, which contains the testing of your system’s water.

2. Consider where you are filtering.

You can access point-of-entry units which treat the water before it enters the home but you can also get countertop filters such as the Berkey or Reverse Osmosis machines. You can also access filters that just go on your shower or faucets versus the main supply.

3. Browse the EWG’s filter options here.

Can I test my minerals and toxins that I have been exposed to through my water supply?

Yes, absolutely! We regularly test our patients for total toxin exposure as well as intra and extracellular nutrient levels. At Gut Honest Truth, we primarily use a urine provocation test to give us deeper insights as to what YOU specifically are carrying in excess in the body and often this gives us hints and clues to what is truly problematic in your home or work place. Then we can work to not only support the home health piece but we can support the body in ridding the excess toxic burden so our patients can not only heal, but thrive.

Ready to get started? Schedule a consultation today with our Institute for Functional Medicine trained and certified health care practitioners.



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